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Últimos 30 registros

Periódico Título Autores Data URL
Brazilian Journal of BiologyA threefold approach including quantum chemical, molecular docking and molecular dynamic studies to explore the natural compounds from centaurea jacea as the potential inhibitors for covid-19Muhammad S.2023-01-01
Brazilian Journal of BiologyCurrent understanding of an emerging coronavirus using in silico approach: Severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (sars-cov-2)Khalid S.2023-01-01
Brazilian Journal of BiologyCurrent understanding of an Emerging Coronavirus using in silico approach: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2)Khalid, S., Siddique, R., Shaheen, S., Shahid, M. N., Shamim, Z., Khan, M. K. A., Serçe, Ç. Ulubaş2023
Brazilian Journal of BiologyA threefold approach including quantum chemical, molecular docking and molecular dynamic studies to explore the natural compounds from Centaurea jacea as the potential inhibitors for COVID-19Muhammad, S., Maqbool, M. F., Al-Sehemi, A. G., Iqbal, A., Khan, M., Ullah, S., Khan, M. T.2023
Biointerface Research in Applied ChemistryIn silico studies of novel synthetic compounds as potential drugs to inhibit coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2): A systematic reviewPorto V.A.2022-08-15
Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (Taiwan)Natural ventilation optimization study in mechanically ventilated studio apartment room in surabayaWijaya E.S.2022-07-19
Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (Taiwan)IoT based less-contact system on sauce production for small enterprisesAripriharta 2022-07-12
International Journal of E-Health and Medical CommunicationsArtificial intelligence for the novel corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic: Opportunities, challenges, and future directionsAhmed A.2022-07-01
International Journal of E-Health and Medical CommunicationsBinary classification of COVID-19 CT images using CNN: COVID diagnosis using CTShambhu S.2022-07-01
International Journal of E-Health and Medical CommunicationsSemantic pattern detection in COVID-19 using contextual clustering and intelligent topic modelingKherwa P.2022-07-01
International Journal of E-Health and Medical CommunicationsTime-series forecasting and analysis of COVID-19 outbreak in highly populated countries: A data-driven approachArunkumar P.M.2022-07-01
International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching TechnologiesPossibilities and challenges of online education in India during the COVID-19 pandemicSengupta S.2022-07-01
International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching TechnologiesMeta-analysis of EMF-induced pollution by COVID-19 in virtual teaching and learning with an artificial intelligence perspectiveDas S.2022-07-01
International Journal of E-Health and Medical CommunicationsUtilization of transfer learning model in detecting COVID-19 cases from chest x-ray imagesJawahar M.2022-07-01
Biointerface Research in Applied ChemistryBcr-abl tyrosine kinase inhibitors as candidates for the treatment of covid-19: Molecular docking, pharmacophore modeling, admet studiesAttia M.S.2022-06-15
Biointerface Research in Applied ChemistryA fem study of molecular transport through a single nanopore in a spherical cellGhosh D.2022-06-15
Biointerface Research in Applied ChemistryPhytochemical screening, chemical constituents, traditional medicine usage, pharmacological effect, metabolism and pharmacokinetics of semen armeniacaeKoriem K.M.M.2022-06-15
Biointerface Research in Applied ChemistrySequence analysis and structure prediction of malaysia sars-cov-2 strain’s structural and accessory proteinsElengoe A.2022-06-15
Biointerface Research in Applied ChemistryIndoor cardiovascular health monitoring system under covid 19 situationsMukherjee A.2022-06-15
Frontiers of Environmental Science and EngineeringInactivation and risk control of pathogenic microorganisms in municipal sludge treatment: A reviewLi M.2022-06-01
Journal of Environmental Sciences (China)Assessment of health benefit of PM2.5 reduction during COVID-19 lockdown in China and separating contributions from anthropogenic emissions and meteorologyBai H.2022-05-01
Ingenieria e InvestigacionDetection of COVID-19 and other pneumonia cases using convolutional neural networks and X-ray imagesBelman-López C.E.2022-04-01
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from DataLearning Sentence-to-Hashtags Semantic Mapping for Hashtag Recommendation on MicroblogsCantini R.2022-04-01
International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge DevelopmentBusiness continuity during adversity and strategies to revive certain sectorsSingh A.K.2022-04-01
International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge DevelopmentCOVID-19 pandemic and strategizing the higher education policies of public universities of EthiopiaDereso C.W.2022-04-01
International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge DevelopmentPossible opportunities in face mask manufacturing during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A study from IndiaMishra D.2022-04-01
International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge DevelopmentExploring the need of social change leadership concerning health communication and health disparities during the COVID-19 pandemicSprings D.2022-04-01
International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge DevelopmentImpact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the currency exchanges of selected countriesSharma S.2022-04-01
Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering ResearchBiological characteristics and immunoregulation of exosomes derived from mesenchymal stem cellsJia G.2022-03-01
Environmental ResearchTransmission in home environment associated with the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic in IndiaTang L.2022-03-01
Acompanhe conosco outras fontes importantes sobre covid-19 do Brasil

Painel de casos de doença pelo coronavírus 2019 (COVID-19) no Brasil pelo Ministério da Saúde. Diariamente, o Ministério da Saúde, por meio da Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde (SVS/MS) divulga dados consolidados sobre o COVID-19. Saiba mais sobre o painel.

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Av. Brasil, 4365 – Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro – CEP: 21040-900 – Tel: (0xx21) 2598-4242

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