Publicações Científicas sobre COVID-19

Foram rastreados 13011 registros das revistas de divulgação científica, com conselho editorial e revisão por pares, de 01 de janeiro de 2020 a 20 de Abril de 2020., a partir da pesquisa automatizada sobre COVID-19 . O espaço amostral das fontes e de 2.545 registros de jornais e revistas diferentes. Destes registros, foram descartados em torno de 268 revistas de publicação em língua chinesa e 11 periódicos em língua eslava ou russa por padrões de caracteres de línguas diferentes. Os dados minerados, portanto, centrou-se na busca de 2260 revistas internacionais de publicação científica, das quais 40 os sistemas automatizados obtiveram êxitos, recolhendo os seguintes metadados comuns: • Data de inserção do artigo • Autor • Título • Abstract • Year • Journal / Publisher Todas as buscas levaram em consideração a seguinte estratégia de pesquisa: "new coronavirus" OR 2019-nCoV OR COVID-19 or SARS-CoV2.


Pesquisas Clínicas com cloroquina e Hidroxicloroquina

Estudos com Hidroxicloroquina e Cloroquina

Título do estudo
[1]"Study for the efficacy of chloroquine in patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19)"
[2] "A prospective, open-label, multiple-center study for the efficacy of chloroquine phosphate in patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19)"
[3] "A prospective, randomized, open-label, controlled clinical study to evaluate the preventive effect of hydroxychloroquine on close contacts after exposure to the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (COVID-19)"
[4] "Cancelled due to lack of patient A study for the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine for mild and moderate COVID-19 infectious diseases"
[5] "Cancelled by the investigator A randomized, double-blind, parallel, controlled trial for comparison of phosphoric chloroquine combined with standard therapy and standard therapy in mild/common patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19)"
[6] "Cancelled by the investigator A randomized, double-blind, parallel, controlled trial for comparison of phosphoric chloroquine combined with standard therapy and standard therapy in mild/common patients with novel coronavirus p"
[7] "Cancelled by the investigator A randomized, double-blind, parallel, controlled trial for comparison of phosphoric chloroquine combined with standard therapy and standard therapy in serious/critically ill patients with novel coronavirus pneumoni"
8] "A Single-arm Clinical Trial for Chloroquine Phosphate in the treatment of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia 2019 (COVID-19)"
[9] "A Single-blind, Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial for Chloroquine Phosphate in the treatment of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia 2019 (COVID-19)"
[10] "A prospective, open label, randomized, control trial for chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine in patients with mild and common novel coronavirus pulmonary (COVIP-19)"
[11] "A prospective, randomized, open label, controlled trial for chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in patients with severe novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19)"
[12] "Chloroquine Prevention of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in the Healthcare Setting"
13] "Randomized controlled trial for Chloroquine Phosphate in the Treatment of novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19)"
[14] "Clinical Study of Chloroquine Phosphate in the Treatment of Severe Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (COVID-19)"
15] "A Randomized Controlled Trial for Favipiravir Tablets Combine With Chloroquine Phosphate in the Treatment of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (COVID-19)"
[16] "Cancelled by the investigator Efficacy and safety of chloroquine phosphate inhalation combined with standard therapy in the treatment of novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19)"
[17] "Efficacy and Safety of Hydroxychloroquine for Treatment of Pneumonia Caused by 2019-nCoV ( HC-nCoV )"
[18] "Efficacy of Chloroquine and Lopinavir/ Ritonavir in mild/general novel coronavirus (CoVID-19) infections: a prospective, open-label, multicenter randomized controlled clinical study"
19] "Efficacy of therapeutic effects of hydroxycholoroquine in novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) patients(randomized open-label control clinical trial)"
[20] "Evaluation the Efficacy and Safety of Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate in Comparison with Phosphate Chloroquine in Mild and Commen Patients with Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (COVID-19): a Randomized, Open-label, Parallel, Controlled Trial"
[21] "Evaluation the Efficacy and Safety of Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate in Comparison with Phosphate Chloroquine in Severe Patients with Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (COVID-19): a Randomized, Open-Label, Parallel, Controlled Trial"
[22] "Hydroxychloroquine treating novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19): a randomized controlled, open label, multicenter trial"
23] "Hydroxychloroquine Treatment for Severe COVID-19 Pulmonary Infection (HYDRA Trial)"
[24] "Cancelled due to lack of patient Clinical study on the safety and effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate tablets in the treatment of patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19)"
[25] "Can hydroxychloroquine and coronavirus swabbing reduce hospital admission or death for older patients with suspected coronavirus infection?"
[26] "Comparison of Lopinavir/Ritonavir or Hydroxychloroquine in Patients With Mild Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)"
[27] "Single arm study for exploration of chloroquine phosphate aerosol inhalation in the treatment of novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19)"
[28] "Therapeutic effect of hydroxychloroquine on novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19)"
[29] "Hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for coronavirus disease COVID-19"


Ensaios Clínicos que pesquisam "Vacinas".

(Considera-se as pesquisas que citam o termo “vaccine” nas seções: desenho do estudo, título científico ou título público)

Estudos clínicos com vacina cadastrados
[1] "A clinical study for effectiveness and safety evaluation for recombinant chimeric COVID-19 epitope DC vaccine in the treatment of novel coronavirus pneumonia"
[2] "A Platform for Rapid Immuno-detection and Emergency Vaccine Development of Novel Coronavirus (2019-COV
[3] "A phase I clinical trial for recombinant novel coronavirus (2019-COV) vaccine (adenoviral vector)"
[4] "Basic and clinical study of inhalation of inactivated mycobacterium vaccine in the treatment of Novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19)"
[5] "Cancelled by the investigator Mechanism of novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) virus with silent latent immune system induced by envelope protein and vaccine development"
[12] "United States;Hong Kong; Korea, Republic of; Singapore; Taiwan; Hong Kong; Korea, Republic of; Singapore; Taiwan; United States"
[13] "United States;Korea, Republic of;Singapore;Korea, Republic of;Singapore;United States"
[6] "Safety and Immunogenicity Study of 2019-nCoV Vaccine (mRNA-1273) to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection"
7] "Immunity and Safety of Covid-19 Synthetic Minigene Vaccine"
[8] "Safety and Immunity of Covid-19 aAPC Vaccine"
[17] "United States;Israel;United States"
[9] "Study for novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) patients etiology and immune response and guidance for vaccine design"


Estudos clínicos cadastrados apenas com Hidroxicloroquina

Ordem Estudos com Hidroxicloroquina
A prospective, randomized, open-label, controlled clinical study to evaluate the preventive effect of hydroxychloroquine on close contacts after exposure to the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (COVID-19)"
"Cancelled due to lack of patient A study for the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine for mild and moderate COVID-19 infectious diseases"
"A prospective, open label, randomized, control trial for chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine in patients with mild and common novel coronavirus pulmonary (COVIP-19)"
"A prospective, randomized, open label, controlled trial for chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in patients with severe novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19)"
"Efficacy and Safety of Hydroxychloroquine for Treatment of Pneumonia Caused by 2019-nCoV ( HC-nCoV )"
"Efficacy of therapeutic effects of hydroxycholoroquine in novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) patients(randomized open-label control clinical trial)"
"Evaluation the Efficacy and Safety of Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate in Comparison with Phosphate Chloroquine in Mild and Commen Patients with Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (COVID-19): a Randomized, Open-label, Parallel, Controlled Trial"
"Evaluation the Efficacy and Safety of Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate in Comparison with Phosphate Chloroquine in Severe Patients with Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (COVID-19): a Randomized, Open-Label, Parallel, Controlled Trial"
"Hydroxychloroquine treating novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19): a randomized controlled, open label, multicenter trial"
Hydroxychloroquine Treatment for Severe COVID-19 Pulmonary Infection (HYDRA Trial)"
"Cancelled due to lack of patient Clinical study on the safety and effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate tablets in the treatment of patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19)"
"Can hydroxychloroquine and coronavirus swabbing reduce hospital admission or death for older patients with suspected coronavirus infection?"
"Comparison of Lopinavir/Ritonavir or Hydroxychloroquine in Patients With Mild Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)"
"Therapeutic effect of hydroxychloroquine on novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19)"
"Hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for coronavirus disease COVID-19"


Estudos clínicos com Baloxavir Marboxil


Estudos clínicos com Favipiravir


Estudos clínicos com Lopinavir-Ritonavir


Pesquisas clínicas com uso de Terapia Antiviral


Pesquisas clínicas com Remdesivir


Estudos clínicos com Arbidol Hydrochloride


Pesquisas clínicas com terapia a base de corticosteroid


Pesquisas clínicas com terapia de inalação de Gás Óxido Nítrico


Pesquisa clínica com Sarilumab


Pesquisas clínicas a partir de técnicas de nebulização

Acompanhe conosco os principais dados de covid do Brasil

Painel de casos de doença pelo coronavírus 2019 (COVID-19) no Brasil pelo Ministério da Saúde.

Este projeto utiliza recursos computacionais e cientistas de dados da Plataforma de Ciência de Dados aplicada à Saúde do Laboratório de Informação em Saúde do Icict da Fiocruz (PCDaS), hospedada no Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica (LNCC).

Observatório da ciência foi desenvolvido pelo Laboratório de Informação Científica e Tecnológica em Saúde – LICTS / ICICT da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz

Campus da Fiocruz, Avenida Brasil, 4365 – Pavilhão Haity Moussatché – sala
204, Manguinhos – Rio de Janeiro/ RJ, Tel.: +55 (21) 3865-3245